Manjari Shukla
The replacement is not possible, because it can never be. The nature you are a part of, and the expectation I hold on to are nothing but a desire to be a part of you. The simplicity you carry with your being and the craziness, I hold on are very different, still the essence of being together never lessens. The moments captured drift slowly into numbness, but this state of being numb is equally alive like the heart beats and breathing of a common man. The reason to be with you is known to me, still the strangeness and newness at the same time, takes me off from my real "Me". All this is needed for articulation, to make you understand that the replacement is not possible, it depends now on you , what you think of the whole issue....
2 Responses
  1. Being a non literary person did not understand much but definitely replacement is not possible. For the one who make us feel our self.
    Life is strange and time heals everything but the spots remain reminding us of who you were to me and who I was to you..

  2. Your observation seems to be so correct; yes, it is difficult to forget all those essences which once upon a time were special and close to our being, the replacement truly is not possible, coz on the mental horizon, some colours can never be erased or forgotten.
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