Manjari Shukla

I am not a poetess, but I don’t know from where these lines came to my mind, & without wasting time I penned it down, I’ll be highly obliged, if you(who are reading it) will send your comments:

Grieving Heart

She was in a pensive mood,

And near the door his lover stood.

Long since they were in love,

And together have enjoyed the pleasures of heaven above.

Don’t know what moved them apart,

With weeping eyes & broken heart.

But deep down there’s hope to meet,

Because still they are in each other’s heartbeat.

The love is passing through a testing time,

I know everything will soon be fine.

Once again the gloomy season will change to May,

And two hearts will meet again which are now at bay.

Love can make your world upside down,

Make it your life, don’t sigh or frown.



P.S.:- Please send your comments on my email id or also.

1 Response
  1. Tickled pink Says:

    so sweet.ends with a hope.msg is u ve got poetic skill too ha?